• @kromem@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      It’s a pretty well recorded technique of US intelligence to push a much more extreme and clearly false narrative to undermine the distribution of the less extreme version which is more plausible and problematic.

      So we see nutty theories around thermite online leading people to associate any complicity in 9/11 with unhinged theorists, conveniently overshadowing the far less extreme scenario where actionable intelligence around an attack was shelved because of the opportunities such an attack would create on the international stage.

      My favorite example of the technique in action was how in the 1950s, the same year UFO sightings made the front page of Washington DC local newspapers, one of the CIA’s psyops recruits who had graduated MIT in only 3 years suddenly leaves the agency to buy up a struggling national news brand called The National Enquirer. Not long after, no self-respecting news organization was running stories about UFO sightings on any page, let alone the front page.

      I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Cheney had meddled with intelligence that resulted in a major oversight - who even knows what was in all the documents he burned when leaving office. And we know for a fact they had no qualms with messing with intelligence reporting soon after with WMDs in Iraq or outing the wife of a critic.

      Similarly, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Netanyahu had a hand in actively preventing proper action being taken on the warnings of an attack leading up to it. Less than 2 weeks before the attacks he was facing supreme court judicial review of his latest grasp to maintain power which was a process going until Jan 2024. And right in the middle of that he’s now ended up in a war.

      Orchestrating an attack is a huge (and unlikely) conspiracy. Conveniently fucking up is plausibly deniable, especially if you seed a few more extreme and unhinged associated theories to discredit anyone suggesting you intentionally screwed up.

    • المنطقة عكف عفريت
      167 months ago

      Yeah but IDF soldiers themselves have reported that the information they provided was completely ignored by Israel a month or so before the attack. There is public documents showing Bibi funded Hamas.

      I think this one was gross negligence on purpose to find a reason to genocide Gaza.

    • @NounsAndWords@lemmy.world
      147 months ago

      Two cases of leaders selectively choosing not to believe credible intelligence of a threat to innocent lives when it’s politically convenient to do so?

    • @shadysus@lemmy.ca
      87 months ago

      Which parts of it?

      I don’t think Netanyahu orchestrated it if that matters. Same idea as Bush

      We should investigate when leadership benefits from a tragedy. We should investigate the decisions that allowed a tragedy to take place. That’s how we prevent future tragedies

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      77 months ago

      Bush really does bear a lot of responsibility for 9/11. In almost direct parallel. He shifted the FBI away from counter terror and then ignored intelligence warning of the attack. Rather than Netanyahu ignoring intelligence in order to move troops off the border.