• Display name
    -243 months ago

    I guess you could call stomping out peaceful protests with violence an act of terrorism? But that’s not the entire reason lol

    • plinky [he/him]
      463 months ago

      I guess you could call george floyd or la riots stomping a terrorist act thonk

      but for real, islands can’t survive on their own, if tomorrow uk stopped all trade, it will start starving in 2 months. usa sanctions are extra cruel with both finance and shipping conditions

        • cuba and korea are already democratic, as in the sense of true democracy, workplace democracy. liberal “democracy” is nothing more than a cover for the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and foreign imperialists. just look at cuba and korea under their respective american and japanese occupations. thats what the liberal west wants to return them to.

          • Display name
            -173 months ago

            Well “true” democracy is a rather open definition lol. With a minimalist definition enough even North Korea is a democracy based on them holding elections but I mean that is obviously not the case. Liberal democracy is just electoral democracy+ rule of law. You can have liberal democracy without capitalism and the bourgeoisie, just look at the Scandinavian countries before the neoliberalists took hold.

              • Display name
                -103 months ago

                ? The current Nordic model is hardly socialist, just a welfare model. But in the 60’s it was on its way to eradicate the bourgeoisie and lift the under class in its entirety?

                Didn’t know it was a meme lol, what is it about?

                • @ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
                  233 months ago

                  But in the 60’s it was on its way to eradicate the bourgeoisie and lift the under class in its entirety?

                  No, it was just a welfare state back then too, they just had more concessions at the time because there was the Soviet Unions just next door with guarantied employment, free healthcare and housing, etc, and were getting so riled up over it that the bourgeoisie was getting really scared of potentially having a revolution and decided that temporarily giving these concessions was better than loosing everything.

                  • Display name
                    3 months ago

                    Sure it was. It diverted after the 70’s though. Any word in particular you think I don’t get the meaning of?

        • plinky [he/him]
          363 months ago

          like how usa sanctions saudia arabia or uae or qatar or azerbaijan or japan over not moving towards democracy?

            • plinky [he/him]
              3 months ago

              Cause japan is one party state?

              Submit or else, good to see gunboat diplomacy is a thing of the past

              • Display name
                -93 months ago

                Oh you mean like that! Yes that is a good point. Can it be considered democratic if you have a hegemony ruling for lengthy periods of time with no shift in power even though there is free and equal competition by the opposition. I think 2012 was the last time an oppositional party held power.

                • plinky [he/him]
                  243 months ago

                  How can it be equal, if every layer of government is held by one party? (that’s ignoring our typical commie gripes that ldp was showered by cia money till the 70s)

                  but i mean your initial point (the leadership should submit if they care about people) is exact same point made during any siege in all of the history. While premise for that siege (something that makes it palatable for the people) is comparatively pitiful: its not supported by un (overwhelmingly), one party states an dictatorships are routinely supported by usa, cuba is not prosecuting minorities over sexual/racial differences, so what exactly is usa problem you think?

            • davel [he/him]
              133 months ago

              Yes they can easily have the sanctions lifted by betraying the people of Cuba and allowing Global North neocolonizers to resume their pillaging of the nation.

              What a dumbass turbolib.

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          283 months ago

          However what is important to remember is that the sanctions are imposed based on the regimes actions against it’s population

          I don’t know every single sanction against the DPRK, but over the last 40 years the sanctions have all been in connection to nuclear development and things like that. Also, it’s rich that you talk about communists being hypocrites while you take western powers at their word for why they are imposing sanctions that starve people by your own admission. The US has done and is doing much crueler things to the people of these states than the states themselves have ever done in any but the most unhinged fantasies.