“What’s happening in Gaza is not genocide. We reject that,” Biden said at a Jewish American Heritage Month event at the White House.

I can’t tell if he’s pandering or trying to lose the election

  • @MrMeanJavaBean@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This is what we get when the Boomer mind set is still in charge. Hopefully a younger person would have only supplied Israel with defense, Iron Dome, etc… and not weapons, bombs to attack. Unfortunately we are stuck with the choice of 2 Boomers.

    I still don’t get how there are one issue voters. Trump would be much worse on this many other issues to say the least. Giving Trump 4 more years to further wreck our democracy and appoint more Far-Right Supreme court justices is totally short sighted. I’ve been voting since 2000 (Edit: this kinda makes me sound like a douche, “I’ve been voting for years so listen to me!” Sorry aboot dat), and protest votes or not voting only gets Republicans elected. Just like Paul Weyrich said Paul Wayrich

    • @LostWon@lemmy.ca
      51 month ago

      Biden’s older than a Boomer though, he’s Silent Generation. (Trump is on the older end, but indeed a Boomer.) I’m curious if you’ll ever have a Gen X president some day, but it’s not really generation that matters so much as having someone of reasonable intelligence who has empathy and integrity instead of yet another power-networking fundraising wizard.

    • @PipedLinkBotB
      21 month ago

      Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

      Paul Wayrich

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