• @MetaCubed@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    So pay the people that need to work 5 day weeks more without cutting the pay of those who can do all their work in 4 days. or OR crazy idea, hire more people.

    • @lynny@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      Everyone would be working 40 hours regardless, it’s not like you’re getting more pay for working 5 eights compared to 4 tens, but if even one customer in a building of 5 customers has overtime, you’re going to need support that 5th day.

      You can’t just throw people and money at logistical problems, they just causes FAR more issues than it solves. Likewise while higher pay is always a good thing for workers, it does not solve any logistical issues surrounding supporting multiple manufacturing lines with a materials deployment that works 4 tens.

      • Ispanicus
        11 months ago

        Why would everyone be working 40 hours? The whole point of the study is that they reduced working hours to 32 hours a week without loss in pay.

        • @lynny@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Logistics mainly. There’s tons of jobs that you cannot just throw more people at to accomplish something, especially in complex manufacturing.

          I also don’t see how you get paid the same if you’re taking 6 hours off. I don’t bring congress can mandate private companies to increase wages (other than minimum), and even if they did, businesses will not give that elevated wage to any new hires, making it so people like me have to take a significant wage cut if we wanted to switch jobs.

          I know office workers love to brag about how much money they make over bluecollar workers, but that doesn’t mean it should ignore how legislation is going to affect people like us who don’t have a nice bundle of cash to fall back on. That’s how you get people like Trump and DeSantis.

          • Ispanicus
            011 months ago

            If any legislation was to happen, it would be to mandate the standard work week to 32 hours, so if a company wanted to have you for 40 they would have to pay overtime. This has happened several times in history already by the way (6 to 5 day work week and 12 to 8 hour work day), so I don’t see how it would be any different.

            Companies don’t pay out of the goodness of their hearts, they pay what the market demands, so if they cannot get new hires at a certain salary, they will have to increase it.

            • @lynny@lemmy.world
              011 months ago

              Why would my company pay me overtime rather than telling me to go home after 32 hours? My wage will be cut, the only benefit I get is a better work life balance, but that doesn’t mean much when I’ll no longer be able to afford rent.

              I remember people telling us here in the rust belt that bills like NAFTA would benefit us greatly by reducing the cost of living, yet 30 years later we’re still suffering and being told to trust the same pencil pushers who promised not to screw us over last time.

              Thankfully I don’t see republicans letting this bill though. We’ve suffered enough of this economic experimentation.

              • @younity@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                The same reason you said a 32 hour work week is impossible, “because manufacturing”

                Why does overtime exist already? The question you are asking on the face is so asinine it barely merits a response.

                • @lynny@lemmy.world
                  111 months ago

                  I never said anything was impossible, I said it will be a logistical nightmare that will hurt working class people at the expense of office workers. I’m done engaging if you’re going to intentionally take my comments out of context. Good day.