Dunno about you, but I’m here so I can run a community as unprofessionally as possible. If I can’t tell a troll to fuck off with a good banning, then what’s the point of modding?
Depends on people’s attitude towards it as a whole I think. Saying that and yet expecting professional moderation would be hypocritical. Saying that while acknowledging that one isn’t likely to get professional tier moderation as a tradeoff for the type of platform one has embraced, while criticizing a platform that does expect or at least want that for free is not.
As if Reddit’s AEO is any better. I got once perma banned for saying that a fascist Italy should be kicked out of the EU & NATO, because apparently that “spreads hate”. Tried to appeal, saying that both institutions require democratic foundations, which was of course denied.
I also can’t count the amount of reported hate speech, calls for violence etc. came back with that they “don’t violate their TOS” and thus no action has been taken. Complete monkey club there. Probably some outsourced Indian callcenter where they can barely speak English and don’t understand 90% of the reports context.
Honestly kinda glad I won’t have to deal with this crap anymore. I did hundreds of reports each week and it did fuck all. Let the platform burn down with all its extremistic bullshit and mod & admin abuse.
spez is a nazi, that’s why. I got a 7 day ban recently for criticizing trump, and now I’m here. reddit’s jumped the shark, actually it did a few years ago and only now is there something good enough to replace it
For criticizing Trump? Well, that’d be a hell of a kicker for all of the conservative crybabies on there that whine about being censored and how Reddit is left-wing dominated.
those people have been crying crocodile tears for years, I don’t listen to them anymore. but yes you’ll get banned for talking about trump cultists because it’s inflammatory language, never mind the man has an actual cult of personality around him
Absolutely agree with you there, on both Italy and Reddit. I pretty much stopped posting anything remotely interesting due to the arbitrary mod and soft alt-right admin temper tantrums. In comparison, here in the Fediverse, my creativity has been unchained, and I’ve already contributed more here than my previous decade + on Reddit.
You get what you pay for.
Professionals get paid. Reddit has never had professional mods.
Very strange to hear this on an overwhelmingly FOSS platform.
Dunno about you, but I’m here so I can run a community as unprofessionally as possible. If I can’t tell a troll to fuck off with a good banning, then what’s the point of modding?
Depends on people’s attitude towards it as a whole I think. Saying that and yet expecting professional moderation would be hypocritical. Saying that while acknowledging that one isn’t likely to get professional tier moderation as a tradeoff for the type of platform one has embraced, while criticizing a platform that does expect or at least want that for free is not.
As if Reddit’s AEO is any better. I got once perma banned for saying that a fascist Italy should be kicked out of the EU & NATO, because apparently that “spreads hate”. Tried to appeal, saying that both institutions require democratic foundations, which was of course denied.
I also can’t count the amount of reported hate speech, calls for violence etc. came back with that they “don’t violate their TOS” and thus no action has been taken. Complete monkey club there. Probably some outsourced Indian callcenter where they can barely speak English and don’t understand 90% of the reports context.
Honestly kinda glad I won’t have to deal with this crap anymore. I did hundreds of reports each week and it did fuck all. Let the platform burn down with all its extremistic bullshit and mod & admin abuse.
spez is a nazi, that’s why. I got a 7 day ban recently for criticizing trump, and now I’m here. reddit’s jumped the shark, actually it did a few years ago and only now is there something good enough to replace it
For criticizing Trump? Well, that’d be a hell of a kicker for all of the conservative crybabies on there that whine about being censored and how Reddit is left-wing dominated.
those people have been crying crocodile tears for years, I don’t listen to them anymore. but yes you’ll get banned for talking about trump cultists because it’s inflammatory language, never mind the man has an actual cult of personality around him
Absolutely agree with you there, on both Italy and Reddit. I pretty much stopped posting anything remotely interesting due to the arbitrary mod and soft alt-right admin temper tantrums. In comparison, here in the Fediverse, my creativity has been unchained, and I’ve already contributed more here than my previous decade + on Reddit.