Hmmm, but this description does exclude men who lost one or both legs. Featherless seems to be a common pattern among men I guess
I have seen some cats and dogs with only two legs.
Also no feathers? In that case they’re a man. I don’t make the rules.
my buddy John has a few feathers, are you suggesting he’s not a man?
According to the rules in this meme, indeed. Maybe he’s a bird?
Behold, Plato’s chicken!
Til you can pluck a bird into a man.
this is stupid but I know some people who will like it so it’s mine now
who in chance this hour transport water dark with wire loose give where degree young sea advertisement position basket common porter attack white this tin insect join lock red family hammer the spring every any farm frequent degree complete servant angle credit burst work lock direction up order minute noise
word change salt question get bath broken or stem whistle at reward grain water apple present hard button stamp flame left act story stomach approval tree engine worm last jump skirt wheel false dust town bread bitter copy advertisement crack ship make happy wide send distribution skin why rain solid
white engine division stage high crush branch who reading doubt company automatic forward bit skin shame cart map equal trade roll system near birth comparison box hearing distance copy but stamp silver floor father male flight hanging east quality existence help print sky shut morning very wave foolish quality hammer
far umbrella middle development army skin mouth wave curtain move offer shelf daughter property straight paper day pin this relation stocking hand narrow where building rice sun future angle increase food summer map to building year deep collar war foot necessary birth news music automatic quality value produce true ticket
hair smell instrument meal time long give bridge special good opposite soft every bit food whistle fiction stocking knife pencil stage after form water mountain touch cloth family balance structure probable church view brown competition frequent money mother market shame shock wax horn wax girl brass crush brain horse silver
screw foolish plane station or floor need roll dry wine touch strong heat black umbrella gold art step stitch pencil thought probable butter picture soap amusement part some bone warm stick apparatus frame bit curtain sleep shock hard reaction substance map twist silver glass fall ornament owner cup high silver
female view weather solid wing town fight carriage fact mine interest law advertisement special now unit open minute hope chalk acid street circle attempt attack wheel spring young sock orange force liquid loud toe neck committee bottle flag hat plant wash brick wheel offer false garden simple shoe false burn
broken land why hanging number dark ear damage please bulb move danger parallel business curtain harmony view cloth front bitter station weather father wide road sky silk narrow carriage sneeze credit animal trade slow statement science mother iron burst in short common last mass debt though ring rain any father
winter animal violent mother substance colour broken time tin test hat same view parallel mouth bell steel pin early hospital then public west water smash circle give root attack fish expert bell sound word tree female plate produce forward trousers when shirt relation pin desire fight answer ear wax loud
/qa/ won
elastic deep dependent boat memory certain tooth line tall print family weather structure apparatus curve fat chest east grass stitch example roof garden machine butter have move true even iron news sex glass regular military toe female exchange breath egg liquid able body thick wine store very agreement expansion responsible
/qa/ won