It is not the matter of what if you are found. It’s the matter of when.
Head for The Continental Hotel and hope the rules hold up.
They probably wouldn’t. Didn’t the woman in the first one break the rules for a bit over 1 million?
In general the actual dollar amounts in the John wick universe always seemed low to me. I always thought they should have used the gold coins more, since their value was more ambiguous
Post a dating profile with my full information including full HD photos. This will ensure noone contacts me.
I’d give my kid a gun and tell him to collect and feel no regret about it. Fuck it, I’m dead anyway, might as well leave a legacy.
Lifelong mental trauma as legacy
At least he’d be able to afford really good therapists.
Start singing I’m Gonna Be by The Proclaimers. Anyone who gets too close will just get sucked into it
Alter my appearance as much as possible, as many times as possible. Live on cash. Move location as much as possible, I’ll aim to live in my car if I can. Alter my number plate regularly. Get rid of my phone. Live phoneless.
If I’m able I’d also get a gun and a fake ID but not sure if that would be realistic- I wouldn’t know where to seek this.
But eventually money will run out. I don’t think I would last longer than my savings though. I’d be lucky to live a month.
When I wake up…
I’d let my kids collect the bounty.
I like this
I’m currently close to an uninhabited mountain region: Imma run and hide!
Eat beans and carry a cigarette lighter.
Unless I am given some kind of kickstart of funds/tools/abilities, I’d be dead pretty fucking fast. :(
Fake my death, Collect the paycheck, Settle in Hawaii or something.
Perhaps some billionaire would adopt you and make a game out of defending you :P
They could build a little comfortable environment for you to live.
Then show you off to their friends as the billion dollar bounty guy.
Reminds me of the Star Trek TNG ep where that collector guy captures Data.
I was going more in the direction that they are psychos that use you as bait so they can kill whoever dares step on their property 😂
It would probably be illegal to say “i have a billion dollars just lying around here, come and take it” and then shoot people, not so much if you coincidentally let slip that you house the billion dollar guy.
Something with that snail, probably.
Kill myself to deny anyone the prize
The person to find you could easily claim the bounty. Not like you can contest it…
Not if he jumps into an active volcano
I’d join the hunt
Ghermansausagemeatus joins the hunt.
In a way this is how billionares live