• @over_clox@lemmy.world
    627 days ago

    I thought the entire purpose of them dismantling that and having it scrapped in multiple different states was to avoid ever having another one built…


    • Carighan Maconar
      127 days ago

      I mean that still makes it a Killdozer. Plus it got the one truly important target you could argue.

      • Schwim Dandy
        -127 days ago

        The only good target. I’m glad he was too incompetent to take anyone else with him.

  • Clearly none of y’all understand what led this man down this path and all the steps he took before resorting to this.

    Dude got fucked by every level of govt around him and decided to make it their problem.

    More people need to be willing to not put up with beaurocratic strong arming and having bullshit loopholes that fuck people over every single day.

    This country is built to protect the rich and everyone agrees to that yet still get mad at someone for trying to do something about it.

  • @darganon@lemmy.world
    127 days ago

    Because while it’s a funny thought, the dude thought he was above the law and attempted to hurt people.

    There’s a reason regulations exist, especially for things like sewage. We live in a society, and he wasn’t special. Luckily he only took himself out.

    • @Skanky@lemmy.world
      327 days ago

      …attempted to hurt people.

      He did certainly endanger people, but i don’t think his intent/motivation was to actually hurt anyone. He just wanted to destroy the buildings of the businesses/offices that he felt wronged by. At least, that’s the vibe i got.

      • @darganon@lemmy.world
        -127 days ago

        He shot at cops, tried to run them over, and tried to blow up some gas tanks.

        There is no redeeming quality for this nut job.