SAG-AFTRA said that AMPTP’s AI plan included scanning background actors and using their likenesses “for the rest of eternity.”

      211 year ago

      Things we find easy (like vision and motor skills) AI find difficult.

      The real problem is our society values things backwards.

      Keeping our streets clean and not full of garbage is very lowly paid. While entertainment is some of the best paid.

      Entertainment is important but not up to millions of times more important than garbage collection.

      161 year ago

      The fucked up part is that the technology to take away all the tedious jobs is already there, but for some reason it’s more cost effective to use humans for the tedious shit. Maybe something to do with the fact that minimum wage has stagnated over the past how ever the fuck many years.

    • Scrubbles
      121 year ago

      In Star Trek things like AI were supposed to solve issues to put us in a post-scarcity world so we could have time to focus on things like being actors and painters and being creative.

    41 year ago

    There is one instance similar to the AI controversy and it is the arrival of sound pictures. Before that musicians were hired to reinforce the silent pictures. Even tiny hole-in-the-wall theatres had a piano player. When sound arrived for good musicians unions insisted the artists be paid as though they were performing live even though their work was on disc or film. But eventually they had to cave in and most of them found new careers or performed elsewhere. Studios assembled their own orchestras or paid existing ones to create soundtracks. Composers faired better with the best of them earning respectable salaries. Some theaters paid organists or orchestras to perform “prologues” but that didn’t last long. AI is here to stay. If the tech exists it’s going to get used. They got rid of the projectionists, the managers, the single screen houses, the short subjects and added screen ads and finally got rid of film itself. The studios even experimented with cutting the theatres out of the loop using covid as an excuse. It’s not going to end well.

  • BananaPeal
    31 year ago

    One step closer to the Annie Murphy episode of Black Mirror.