Millenial representative #2: Completely agree. Gen Z is so sensitive, smart and respectful, I love them. I run a lot of tabletop RPGs like D&D and had an all-Gen Z group back in 2021. My favorite memory is them explaining the Ohio meme to me. The kids are alright.
I love that they picked up the baton. I feel like us millennials were the young folks when gay marriage was the main topic of discussion and we were a very loud voice in support. Now GenZ is coming up and I love that their reaction isn’t “Oh should we?” It’s “Why haven’t we?” when it comes to Trans rights. I’m all for it, I’ll be there at the voting booth along side them.
Millenial here, I wager it’s about Jake Paul. Listen to the song “It’s everday bro” if you dare.
I am assuming this is it not what they are referring to.
Millenial representative #2: Completely agree. Gen Z is so sensitive, smart and respectful, I love them. I run a lot of tabletop RPGs like D&D and had an all-Gen Z group back in 2021. My favorite memory is them explaining the Ohio meme to me. The kids are alright.
I love that they picked up the baton. I feel like us millennials were the young folks when gay marriage was the main topic of discussion and we were a very loud voice in support. Now GenZ is coming up and I love that their reaction isn’t “Oh should we?” It’s “Why haven’t we?” when it comes to Trans rights. I’m all for it, I’ll be there at the voting booth along side them.
Please, for the love of Thor explain Ohio to me. X’er lost AF.
Millenial here, I wager it’s about Jake Paul. Listen to the song “It’s everday bro” if you dare.
I am assuming this is it not what they are referring to.
There is a great wiki about memes if you are even unsure what they mean.