Edit: I don’t drink alcohol, it’s just the best way to describe it. From comments I’ll be going on a low carb diet, thank you all.

Explanation: male, 38, 130 pounds. Skinny, low muscle mass but have a beer keg belly.

My day is 7am wake up. Get kids to school. Work until 5. Get kids from school. Cook, shower and then I’m exhausted AF.

I’m semi fit? I’m a mechanic professionally and spring til summer I mountain bike regularly. So my calves are monsters.

But would like… basic at home sit ups. Push ups etc like on a Saturday, would that help at all?

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    13 days ago

    Great writeup!

    my cholestoral is still high when I do keto stints.

    bad fats (bacon, butter)

    If you don’t mind me asking, how long are your keto sessions, and which part of your cholesterol is high? Just LDL?

    • XeroxCool@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      For my most successful keto run, it was 6 months of picking one weekend per month to party on beer and simple carbs (supposed to focus on whole grains monthly). I had places to go, foods to experience. But I went from 235 to 195. Using a whole weekend to carb up all the wrong ways ties into me using this diet somewhat carelessly but still effectively. Carbing smartly would smooth out the weight loss but, instead, my chart looks like a slinky falling down stairs. After I hit the bottom for my big day, I gained about half back in the following year. I’d like to get a 3+ month run started in a few weeks. I started Jan 1 but work trips tripped me up, sending me to places where it was impossible to go carb free.

      From what I remember, the bad cholesterol was high and good was average. My blood pressure reduced somewhat over that 6 months, although the dramatic weight loss also promoted more physical activity. I didn’t really add exercise, but I was able to do all the random daily stuff for longer before overheating.