Capitalists are gonna have a meltdown when we’ll have to implement the 4 weeks minimum paid vacation, banked overtime with a yearly limit, bretter minimum wage, tougher regulations on food and environment protection. Etc.
Yet i can get behind this framework as something good for the population. It’s like a NDP program but more realistic and with economic growth with our peers as a target.
This year (most years) i will vote Liberal but i did vote NDP on and off in the past and my circumscription changes from red to orange often in the last two decades.
No. Unless they change a party ked by Singh is not getting my vote. I’m not even sure about the liberals yet we’ll have to see what he does so far not looking good. And cons are a no.
I’ve always been an NDP voter but my anxiety about Cons winning might push a liberal vote from me this time. I don’t love it, but I am also just terrified.
Capitalists are gonna have a meltdown when we’ll have to implement the 4 weeks minimum paid vacation, banked overtime with a yearly limit, bretter minimum wage, tougher regulations on food and environment protection. Etc.
I’ll probably get called entitled, but even 3 weeks isn’t enough, and I know that’s more than many people get.
You’re not entitled, your advocating for yourself and others. Work should not be our whole lives.
You’re being reasonable.
It’s ridiculous. And 2 days of paid sick days per year? Like wrf
Yet i can get behind this framework as something good for the population. It’s like a NDP program but more realistic and with economic growth with our peers as a target.
This year (most years) i will vote Liberal but i did vote NDP on and off in the past and my circumscription changes from red to orange often in the last two decades.
I’m still voting NDP. We can still get a minority liberal government with a strong NDP coalition.
No. Unless they change a party ked by Singh is not getting my vote. I’m not even sure about the liberals yet we’ll have to see what he does so far not looking good. And cons are a no.
I’ve always been an NDP voter but my anxiety about Cons winning might push a liberal vote from me this time. I don’t love it, but I am also just terrified.
It’s a shame really. I’m not a fan of PP by any means. But he’s right when he says it’s going to be more of the same, i fear.
That is my fear. I don’t want more of the same. I want less immigration but neither party is running on that.
I think the Liberals learned their lesson on immigration, hence the aggressive cuts recently
Fun fact, Canadians can legislate these things on our own, without having to also adopt a whole bunch of European dysfunction.
Actually, it’s a prerequisite for getting into the European dysfunction.
Why does everyone think it’s a binary choice somehow?
Ya, I bet those aren’t the people in favour.
Fucking worth the extra taxes. The EU isn’t perfect, but they’re still sane enough to back.
Taxes actually save you money.