Overall, 39% of U.S. adults say they are “extremely proud” to be American in the most recent poll.

Meanwhile, only 18% of those aged 18-34 said the same, compared to 40% of those aged 35-54 and 50% of those 55 and over.

18% is still too high. As Obama’s pastor said, God damn America! Americans have very little to be proud of at this point.

  • Nakedmole@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I did not mean knowing every other member completely, that is obviously impossible and I assumed that was trivial. My point was that you can not be proud of people if you have no clue who they are and what they are doing and that this is inevitable in a group over a certain size. How that logic is supposed to be falsified by your example with the child evades me because usually parents know their children particularly intimately.