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Halloween costume meme, labelled “Former Gifted Child”. The package is empty, and on it there is written:

"Nothing included

When people ask, “What are you supposed to be?”

just reply, “I was supposed to be a lot of things.”

    8 months ago

    In my experience, the most driven, most successful people, at least in western culture, tend to be vacant idiots that never question or consider their impulses or actions. Ready, fire, aim people are rewarded over careful planners.

    “Gifted” people tend to be cursed to overconsider their own actions, often to the point of indolence, all the while being expected to respect and appreciate our backwater, superstitious civilization controlled by obvious con-artists manipulating that superstition, altering the language to embed their con into the culture(ex: greedy fuck businessman = “rationally self-interested job creator”), etc, all to aquire more power and wealth, because it’s never enough. Our leaders have no grand intellectual vision or endgame, just “give me more!”

    Possessing great intellect in this civilization is more curse than blessing. You know better, but are hopelessly outnumbered by selfish animals far more concerned with getting more than their fellow humans than maximizing happiness for the species and homeostasis for our sole, shared habitat.

      348 months ago

      It’s good to see that people are up voting this. All this talk of hidden societies pulling the strings is completely asinine. Most humans aren’t smart enough to pull off an illuminati heist. And the few that could will never have the resources to do so. It’s way more simple than all that. Deep down we are just run by our core animal instincts. So you can breathe easy knowing the world domination isn’t currently happening. Just a bunch of stupid monkeys playing with fire while the house around them burns down.

    • JoYo
      138 months ago

      it’s survivorship bias, the impulsive ones could just as easily been born less privileged and just make everyone around them miserable.

    8 months ago

    I have the deluxe “Former gifted child with undiagnosed ADHD” one. By which I mean to say that I own a trash bag and a chronic guilt complex.

  • RQG
    178 months ago

    I’m afraid it doesn’t count as a costume if I’m wearing this year round.

    8 months ago

    I thought I once read that gifted kids were just ahead in ability and what happens is eventually the rest of the kids in their class close that gap and catch up just by maturing. We just mature at different rates. But we all see it like just because a kid understood things earlier like its an advantage for life

      108 months ago

      Yeah I plateaued in my early teens. I know I’m intelligent and have a curious mind that means I read a lot, self educate etc. But I’m no smarter than my peers ever were. I was just ‘advanced’ as a kid. Meant I didn’t take schooling seriously and formed arrogance about my abilities, well before realising that they’re pretty mediocre in most things. Jack of All trades, master of none. Hold myself to ridiculous standards that I’ll never meet.

    128 months ago

    The tested me to see if I was gifted; I wasn’t.

    The motherfuckers forgot to check if I had ADHD while they were at it.

    • 🗑️😸
      98 months ago

      Bro same! My 5th grade teacher told my parents that she thought I had ADD. My parents were too hard headed to get me checked. Now here I am, 21 years later and still a mess.