Aglet. Thanks Phineas and Ferb!
Don’t forget it
Terraria for me
I’m too old to know what Phineas and Ferb is, but when I was young I used to love knowing obscure words like:
The indent between your upper lip and your nose is called the philtrum (more commonly known now because of piercings
The recess on the bottom of a wine bottle is called a punt.
The infinity symbol (like a sideways 8) is a lemniscate
The cap on the pointy end of an umbrella, or any other tubular thing (including a pencil) is called a ferrule
The space between your eyebrows is your glabella
Etc. Anyway, aglet was one of those. I was always so happy when I had an opportunity to use one (“Oh, man, my aglet broke!”).
The cardboard ring around a coffee cup is called a Zarf
These are awesome! Thanks
And the infinity symbol is likely related to the analemma, the shape the sun traces out over the course of a year.
Another fun one: the # symbol is an octothorpe
But are you old enough to remember Tom Cruise discussing them in the film Cocktail? (in the cinema on the original release‽ )
Well, it came out when I was 26, but I don’t think I saw it.
Aglets, and it’s 100% due to Phineas and Ferb
Don’t forget it!
Aglet. Not Phineas & Ferb. Terraria.
I personally don’t know what they’re called but to my cat that’s called food.
Telomeres for your shoestrings
I like you
Aglet - phineas and ferb
Shoes, with the Aglets of the laces resting upon them.
And their true purpose is sinister.
What’s their true purpose?
THAT is… The Question.
Aglet - Jimmy Neutron
OP, they’re obviously called aglets.
Didn’t Phineas and Ferb teach you anything?
Exactly the point I’m trying to prove 😉
🎶 A, G, L, E, T, Aglets! Don’t forget it 🎶
^^^One word at a time^^^
Aglets. Learned that from Phineas and Ferb.