Looks like my favorite torrent-site is shutting down in not too long. It’s an invite-only site that I’ve been using for well over a decade, so I’m a bit at a loss as to where to go. Any suggestions? I mainly use it for tv shows and movies.

I prefer to stay away from public trackers, and I prefer sites that focuses on users who keeps a decent ratio.

Disclaimer: I am of course asking this purely as a hypothetical scenario, as piracy is illegal, and I merely want to know which sites to avoid.

UPDATE: I’ve gotten a few invites that should serve my needs. Thanks for helping!

  • bulwark@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Found this Google docs PDF that’s a pretty good read on it. Keep in mind it’s 5yrs old so some of the recommended indexers and services might have gone off line, but the general info is still true.

    *Edit, I know I’m breaking the first rule of Usenet!