Hello everyone,

I left a western European country (think sunset at 16:30 in December) for a southern European country. I’m visiting my family for the holidays, and it just feels very strange to be back here.

I now live in a city, and the contrast with the urban sprawl in my previous country is almost jarring. Car dependency is also quite high, while I mostly walk around where I live now.

For people who experienced similar situations, did you find any way to deal with it? I’m only here for a few weeks, so it’s fine, but I guess I just wanted to see if someone has any tip.

It also probably means I made a good decision to move where I live now.

  • improbably_me@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    Mostly this is a survivor ship bias. I moved 23 years ago to the US and have had the reverse culture which every time I visit back.

    My explanation is that my mind is still stuck in the country I left at the time and the changes haven’t been organic to witness. It’s like being a time traveler visiting the same space at different times. It’s unavoidable, I think.