• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Pretty much. Writing vague nonsense without even using vetted examples as a basis. And then spending more time trolling people than addressing concerns. And this follows on mysteriously wiping out entire mod teams because of a decision that a dark grey area is “illegal” (rather than just “a good way to get sued”) while actively not addressing the mods openly discussion said wipings. Or the flip flopping on whether to allow the piracy communities because apparently cranky users beat potential indentured servitude to nintendo.

    Gonna be honest. I did not expect to re-live the 00s message board cycle in 2023. And probably need to start looking for a new home instance since we can already see the chuds coming out of the woodwork because they feel empowered.

    … just in case we really ARE back in the 00s. Cliffy B. Cliffy B. Cliffy B.

  • Nobody is saying transphobia specifically needs to be called out*.

    It is more just actually calling out discrimination. I ANAL (and am not a lawyer) but general catch alls like “No discrimination based on the grounds of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, age, or religion”. Transphobia comes under a mix of gender and sexuality.

    But also: When you are dealing with a TOS, you get a lawyer involved (which is another clear issue with this but…) rather than going by what some dude on the internet vaguely recalls of some documentation they read a few months back.

    *: Although, there is an argument that hatred toward the trans community has reached the point that it is worth a call out

  • “I’m not insulting you specifically. I am just saying that I think all jewish people are secretly space aliens who eat children” and so forth. It is not bullying because it is not specifically targeting a user. There is no violation of privacy and they held short of talking about what they want to do to that ethnic group. And “harassment” is incredibly nebulous

    In a good faith interaction: Common sense prevails and that is flagged under the spirit of the rule (even if I am not sure if I agree that IS against the spirit of it). But you specify stuff like this to remove any ambiguity. Largely for the same reasons you have a TOS/COC to begin with. Wheaton’s Rule was “sufficient” for small message boards back before any of us really cared about bigotry. But even that was largely replaced with real rules the moment the user count broke the hundred mark.

    But also? The world is a really shitty place where the best you can generally hope for is that social media is only kind of racist and hateful (oh reddit) rather than being run by literal white supremacists. Text about discrimination goes a long way toward saying “Hey, we are at least trying”.

    So is the thinking that a catch all 5.0.1 sufficient? Or will there be restoration of specific rules against discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, sexuality, etc.

  • The answer is pretty obvious, but I have seen a lot of folk on lemmy (and elsewhere) who think this is a good solution. Might be worth coming down on it:

    Copy full text of article into an LLM and ask it to rewrite that article “to be more understandable”. There is the bot that automatically does that for every article (and mostly just increases the misinformation and what not…), but I have seen more than a few people suggest doing that for the text portion of a post.

  • A few years back, CBS sold CNET (CNET, Gamespot, GameFAQs, Giant Bomb, and probably one or two others) to Red Ventures who then sold basically everything but CNET proper to Fandom. If people aren’t aware of what Fandom is, just go to basically any video game wiki and see how many pop ups you need to close just to see some misinformation.

    Anywho, Fandom have a decent record of killing every property they buy in the interest of monetization. And they can do that because they buy EVERYTHING. And as of a few days ago, one of the long standing admins at GameFAQs announced they were stepping down. Which… suggests Fandom realized they own GameFAQs and are likely about to start gutting it to add as many ads and autoplay twitch pages as possible.

  • This predates the pandemic.

    I have been on both sides of things. I have had to deal with the literally hundreds of applicants that are completely fake CVs or so underqualified that I would be better off grabbing a random kid at a high school job fair.

    And the reality is that if I have had to sift through hundreds of bullshit CVs, I am not going to be giving anyone “a chance”. Unless you specifically meet every single requirement AND look amazing on paper, you are in the bin because I already wasted hours of my life doing due diligence on the assholes.

    I hate everything about workaday. I hate that it incorrectly parses my CV in new and exciting ways every time AND means I need a new account for every company, if not every opening. But I also understand what happens if you ACTUALLY make it as simple as filling out a template once.

    And while the article is complete bullshit (gotta love the mysterious loophole of OPT as though it is some secret…), I do agree with the outcome. If you are a “skilled” worker going into a comparatively niche field, favor the openings that aren’t using workaday. My best interviews have been from using the automated linkedin application system that basically just sends an email. Hell, that is where my current job is from. But that is also because these were jobs in specific subsets of fields and not entry level positions or openings at Google.

  • Information to people who don’t know how to parse it is dangerous and ever increasingly dangerous.

    But… it is also clear that people are going to spew lies regardless. Again, “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams”.

    And, as it stands? I very much prefer that I know a few people and orgs I trust to analyze available data. And they also document that analysis. Which is a lot better than hoping CNN paid someone competent to write a piece for Anderson Cooper to read out on air.

    Like, reddit doxxing multiple victims over the years comes up every time. And… that is a definite concern. But that also gets into knowing how to vet your sources. Because I don’t care what some rando on a message board says about “that sounded like a JDAM to me” or “hamas doesn’t have explosives that big”. I care about what people who used to be CIA analysts and have a solid track record AND who understand what information you don’t publish online have to say.

  • Blaming Hamas makes sense if all you know is “We don’t think we did this and the org we are at war with are blaming us”. And I am not certain, but I want to say most of what you listed after that was less an Israeli Government statement and more The Internet (we even have shades of “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” in “hamas can’t make an explosion that big”)

    But also? We are about 24 hours out from this. All news is breaking news. The Internet, much like The 24 Hour News Cycle, have made it incredibly easy to see every update as they exist (and, because of misinformation campaigns,non-stop FUD). But it is important to take a breath and wait for things to settle. Keep yourself informed, but avoid leaping to conclusions until there is time for third parties to vet information. And understand that, even now, we are still missing a lot of info.

    And also learn how to vet your sources. because we are responding to a post that has decided the obvious answer to evidence indicating it was (probably) not the IDF is “Well, it was obviously a false flag by the IDF”. Which… gets back to crisis actor and “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” territory.

  • “rule of law” is literally the status quo. You are saying it boils down to how much you value the right to protest and seek change versus the protection of those in power.

    Also: Politicians are controlled by “special interest groups”. Such as oil executives who are well known to use lobbyists and bribes to continue destroying the world. Protests like this are about getting others to become and stay aware of that in the hopes of either pressuring politicians to do their fucking jobs or to get concessions from oil companies to “save face”.

    If you keep all protests in a designated location so that you aren’t inconvenienced: you accomplish nothing. Well, other than protecting the people killing the planet.

    You are not enlightened. You are actively siding with the oil execs and praising the boys in blue for stopping people from complaining. Decide if you are okay with that or not.

  • It really isn’t. The IDF have been committing crimes against humanity for decades. Just like Hamas has been committing acts of terror. And the fact that EVERYONE stops caring once evidence suggests the IDF didn’t drop the bomb sums it up.

    IDF did the bombing? Everyone condemns them. And we continue to stay “hands off” during this genocide Hamas did the bombing? They only commit acts of terror because Israel forced them to Third party did? They only commit acts of terror because Israel forced them to

    Because, again, you make it abundantly clear that you don’t give a shit about anyone who died. You only care that you can use this to support your political views. And that is disgusting.

  • Everything you are describing are the constraints that have been placed there by those in power. The mere fact that you are focused on the idea of angry people stopping you from going where you want to shows that it works. The baddies aren’t the people destroying the world. It is the people who are forcing you to walk around to the back door of the hotel. It is the people who forced you to make a left on 5th street to get to work.

    As for “What if they were neonazis”: Honestly, sure. Because if I have pissed off the klan to the point they are organizing protests in front of my house, I want them to. I want people to see just how readily the police protect nazis. And I want to know that I need to go into hiding.

    Because if all protests and strikes have to be done in a way that inconveniences absolutely nobody: Nothing will ever happen.