Someone recently posted a hot tip about adding "before:2023" to Google web searches and I forget who it was but wow what a huge difference it makes. So thank you to whoever that was. It gets rid of so much AI-generated SEO crap.
This isn’t gonna help me at all… Most of the time, my problem is that I am looking for something hella recent and only getting results from 5 years ago or more. Used to be able to add a month and year but lately it straight up just ignores it (“showing results for [query without the 2024 I added]” bullshit). Forcing it to search a string with quotes doesn’t help either.
This isn’t gonna help me at all… Most of the time, my problem is that I am looking for something hella recent and only getting results from 5 years ago or more. Used to be able to add a month and year but lately it straight up just ignores it (“showing results for [query without the 2024 I added]” bullshit). Forcing it to search a string with quotes doesn’t help either.
I usually do the quotes thing but the same phrase in quotes 3 or 4 times. You have to tell it you *really" mean it
This might sound stupid, but have you tried using after:2024-01-01? That works as well.
You can just search using more options to only have results from today, last week, last year Etc. On Google?
Are people not aware of that? Then you only get something recent. Works pretty well.
Does it help if you use verbatim mode?