Say sub is currently $100/year, they now have to pay $5, they get $5 less. If they raise by 5% to $105, they have to pay $5.25, they get 25c less than originally. But if they raise to $110, they have to pay $5.50, and suddenly they are getting $4.50 more than before, even though they are paying more taxes. And they can blame it on this so people don’t hate them as much and accept it.
If I remember something kn my econ 101 class, they’re going up 2.5%, because taxes are not entirely pass to the consumer, they take a part of the company earnings too.
Unfortunately, that 5% fee means Spotify prices are going up 10%
Sure. That just means that Canadian consumers of Spotify will be indirectly subsidizing Canadian artists.
I see no problem here.
Well, assuming you see having domestic content as a valid goal, anyway, which isn’t a given.
Sure but then they pay more taxes. Increase in price means more revenue which means more taxes. It’s just a circle.
That’s why they raise it by 10%, not 5%.
Say sub is currently $100/year, they now have to pay $5, they get $5 less. If they raise by 5% to $105, they have to pay $5.25, they get 25c less than originally. But if they raise to $110, they have to pay $5.50, and suddenly they are getting $4.50 more than before, even though they are paying more taxes. And they can blame it on this so people don’t hate them as much and accept it.
If I remember something kn my econ 101 class, they’re going up 2.5%, because taxes are not entirely pass to the consumer, they take a part of the company earnings too.
He ce Spotify prives going up 10, to make sure company profits are covered and then some