JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Israel would “crush and destroy” Hamas in response to its attack.

Netanyahu said every Hamas member was a “dead man.”

Netanyahu made the remarks in a late-night televised address as Israeli planes pounded Gaza in response to the unprecedented attack.

        89 months ago

        That kind of language really isn’t that uncommon from Likud members. They very often use language and threaten “solutions” which are alarmingly similar to what the Nazis said about the Jews.

    • lettruthout
      79 months ago

      Maybe it’s about time to suggest to Israel that, instead of spending all that money on bombs and missiles, that gas chambers would be more cost effective.

        289 months ago

        eventually they’ll be claiming they’re the good guys while wearing these uniforms.

    9 months ago

    It’s easy to call the people you don’t like “terrorists” after you put them in the world’s largest open air prison, allow them no voice in their governance, deny them basic human necessities, and they predicably act out of desperation .

    What’s hard, and the right thing, is the force holding the bigger gun exercising restraint in their response.

    But we’re sending two aircraft carriers to back up that already far superior force as they punch down and possibly do a genocide. No amount of conditional soup makes organized religion worth the continuous, murderous madness it brings.

    If you’re willing to kill real people or die for an imaginary friend, you’re the problem.

        9 months ago

        Maybe when they’re no longer perpetual prisoners. When you make hope impossible, you make vengeance an alluring alternative.

        The US was founded on revolting against hilariously less tyranny than this. If you were a Palestinian watching your oppressor host lavish concerts for their children as yours starve, would you tell them that peaceful resignation is the only option?

        There are no good guys in this conflict, only slightly varying degrees of dehumanization, cruelty, and violence.

        If Israel or Palestine wanted peace, either or both of them should become secular states. But neither values peace. They both value believing they’re some imaginary god’s soldiers in some stupid imaginary soul war. Human life > anyone’s stupid ass religion. If they want to pray to Pikachu at 2am hopping on one leg except on Saturday nobody cares, but making your fantasy other people’s problem at gunpoint makes you wrong, every time. It is no less insane than shooting a d&d dungeon master in the chest with a gun because you lost your buff roll. It’s bonkers that we support any theocracy, let alone one proud theocracy over another.

            29 months ago

            You say that as if they’re a rival military force. You say that as if Hamas hasn’t repeatedly attacked Israeli soldiers on the only scale they can manage, single digits at a time, only to have the Israeli government retaliate against civilian populations from a distance in far larger numbers. Hamas cannot oppose the enemy actively oppressing their people on symmetrical terms. They only have targets of opportunity.

            Israel, on the other hand, can and do unload on civilians regularly, the global media just doesn’t consider those civilian deaths to be newsworthy.

            29 months ago

            Alright, when the same media that condemns Hamas for terrorism also condemns Israel for terrorism, when the same countries that supply weapons, ammunition, and just about anything that can be used to kill people either also supply Palestine with the same resources or just NOT GIVE ANYONE WAR-RELATED RESOURCES AT ALL, then we can talk about condemning Hamas.

            It’s really interesting that we have seldom seen journalists and news agencies asking Zionists if they condemn X atrocity, but see it all the time with Zionists.

            Here is just a reminder of a few Zionist atrocities that have never seen justice.

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              19 months ago

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              9 months ago

              This guy didn’t call Israel good. He just said if you shoot up a music festival, you’re a terrorist.

              If you put even 10% of your energy you put into trying to be heard into trying to hear then you could probably aim your homilies at the people who need to hear them. You could maybe engage in an actual dialogue if you read before you typed.

      09 months ago

      Think the carriers are mostly there more to say “nobody else get involved” and help prevent this from becoming a wider conflict.

      9 months ago

      As a USA citizen we suffer from a culture of “blind patriotism and stupidity.” A lot of people believe anything the USA did in the past is right because the USA did it. A lot of people believe all other nations are inferior, living in the USA it is very easy to be isolated from other nations. I personally find it easy to write nonsense on Lemmy from the safety of my couch.

  • taanegl
    239 months ago

    Translation: Palestinian families and children will die.

      39 months ago

      Yeah, somehow I doubt that Mossad will go after the leaders hiding in Qatar. And that’s not because they can’t, there are a lot of Nazis who could vouch for their capabilities when it comes to assassinate people in other countries.

      29 months ago

      Fund extremists to prevent the Palestinians from getting their shit together and making headway towards their own state and then act surprised when said extremists backfire hard.

      And of course, it’s innocent civilians on both sides that pay the price.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    129 months ago

    I imagine one major reason they cut electricity to Gaza is to make sure cell towers are dead and phones lose charge so there’s less evidence coming out of the crimes against humanity they’re planning to commit.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    59 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu joined with a top political rival on Wednesday to create a war-time Cabinet overseeing the fight to avenge a stunning weekend attack by Hamas militants.

    In the sealed-off Gaza Strip ruled by Hamas, Palestinian suffering mounted as Israeli bombardment demolished neighborhoods and the only power plant ran out of fuel.

    Medical teams and rescuers struggled to enter other areas where roads were too destroyed, including Gaza City’s al-Karama district, where a “large number” were killed or wounded, according to the Hamas-run Interior Ministry.

    The risk of the war spreading was evident Wednesday after the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah fired anti-tank missiles at an Israeli military position and claimed to have killed and wounded troops.

    Hamas said it launched its attack Saturday because Palestinians’ suffering had become intolerable under unending Israeli military occupation and increasing settlements in the West Bank and a 16-year-long blockade in Gaza.

    Associated Press writers Amy Teibel and Isabel DeBre in Jerusalem, Jack Jeffrey and Samy Magdy in Cairo and Kareem Chehayeb in Beirut contributed to this report.

    The original article contains 1,453 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 88%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!