Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly stopped speaking during a weekly Republican leadership news conference Wednesday afternoon, appearing to freeze, and then went silent and was walked away.

  • wagesj45
    11611 months ago

    If there were ever a man that didn’t deserve any sympathy for something like this, it is Mitch McConnell.

    • LemmyLefty
      5711 months ago

      Pretty much.

      Oh, he’s being used by others in his party while his cognition declines? Guess what he was doing before that happened.

      I can’t stop him if he plans to die standing up, but since he chose to stand directly on the face of America, he gets no tears from me as he goes.

    • keeb420
      1511 months ago

      Pos got free care for his polio and now thinks free healthcare is communism.

      1011 months ago

      This. If there was ANYONE whom I’d wouldn’t p!ss on if he was blazing glory its this crotch turtle

      811 months ago

      I watched my father get sick and pass away. This symptom was something I saw in him a few time. Seeing this video hit me pretty hard. everything else aside all I could think was “this is sad”

    9511 months ago

    This was a really odd scene, dude just stares right off into space and comes back to say he’s fine. That was a classic seizure if I ever saw one.

      • Dojan
        4711 months ago

        What! You’re saying the system of oligarchic gerontocracy we’ve had for all of modern history, that is literally burning our planet, should be changed?


          2111 months ago

          Congress, the President, and judges need a mandatory retirement age. We have them for pilots and air traffic controllers. I would set it at 65.

          • Dojan
            311 months ago

            I would like this in Sweden too. Our idiots are comparatively youthful, but they’re still old enough to be completely disconnected from reality and make decisions with awful repercussions they’ll never live to see.

        • zephyrvs
          211 months ago

          I know the Right likes to throw around Biden Bot’s text to speech timeouts, motor control issues, ghost handshakes and the gibberish world salad he likes to produce but I like to think there’s a parallel dimension where this is frontpage news world wide, no matter where you politically stand.

          But we’re in this dimension, unfortunately. 🌚

          • Dojan
            511 months ago

            I’m not even American. I hate most of the American politics and politicians. It’s infectious, like a disease once it crops up in the US it spreads to Europe sooner or later.

            With Trumps campaigning and subsequent victory, the alt right nazis here in Sweden grew and made it into parliament.

            There hasn’t been much of an abortion debate here. It’s been given that people should be able to short, but there has been some discussion about cutoff points. Then Roe v Wade was overturned and boom! Abortion was suddenly a topic.

            Last election, a major political talking point was allowing for the creation of areas where police can stop anyone they deem suspect and search/interrogate them. Literally stop and frisk!

            We’re also fighting a war on drugs. We have some of the most draconian policies for it.

            We live in a society, and I’m sick to death of it. I want out!

      1011 months ago

      It’s even stranger to me that nobody reacted or did a damn thing for a good 10 seconds. Then they took him backstage and prepped him for questions, rather than taking him to THE FUCKING HOSPITAL LIKE NORMAL HUMANS WOULD.

        11 months ago

        Then they took him backstage and prepped him for questions, rather than taking him to THE FUCKING HOSPITAL LIKE NORMAL HUMANS WOULD.

        These are Republicans though. Simple human care and compassion is not their strong point.

      11 months ago

      My first thought was that it may have been a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack). My mother had one; she was utterly confused for a while but then fine afterwards, except that she lost her memory of several hours preceding the attack. It is similar to a stroke but it is over quickly and doesn’t leave much damage. But, as that Wikipedia page notes:

      The occurrence of a TIA is a risk factor for having a major stroke, and many people with TIA have a major stroke within 48 hours of the TIA.

      511 months ago

      My wife has a seizure condition, she’s much younger than Mitchell. There have been plenty of times where she just kind of trails off and in the middle of a sentence and then kind of stares off slack-jawed. McConnell already looks pretty slack-jawed so I would say a seizure diagnosis makes sense. I will also say fuck his people - I dislike the old turtle, but they obviously have no idea how to react, react slowly, and then don’t follow through and let him just stand there. He could have easily collapsed and died right there.

          011 months ago

          Can’t vote for the first 18 years of your life? Alright, can’t vote for the last 18 years of your expected life then.

          • monsterpiece42
            11 months ago

            That would be tough to guess/enforce but how about govt-set retirement age is now the latest you can be in an elected position?

        411 months ago

        My state has them and it sucks. Lobbying firms basically run the congress. Nobody there knows what the fuck they are doing so they just boost the shit that lobbyists hand them. Legislative work is a career, why is that a problem? I don’t want beginners fixing my car, why the fuck would I want a noob writing my laws?

        Age limits: yes, it is time. Term limits: sound great but don’t work well.

    • HandsHurtLoL
      211 months ago

      The difference is that the GOP will discard him immediately in order to fill his vacancy with a useful idiot unlike Feinstein who refuses to go.

      • Can_you_change_your_username
        111 months ago

        He get replaced with a moderate republican. Kentucky has a democratic governor and a law that requires congressional appointments to be of the same party as the last person elected to hold that office.

  • rodneyck
    3711 months ago

    Dude straight up shit himself. I have seen dogs make that same look. Term limits would fix this.

    3211 months ago

    yo so one fuck this guy, but also this is just sad to see. fuck this dude’s people for riding this shit train until it’s dead.

    • root_beer
      511 months ago

      Nah, someone finally found one of his phylacteries but he’s got like six more

    • Optional
      511 months ago

      Oh ho! On The Badd Site you would be SO banned right now!

      But high fives here. Hopefully so.

      311 months ago

      Yup, get your party hats ready. He’s only got 15-20 years left in him! Good thing the new batch of incoming Republicans are so much more level headed and reasonable.

  • donuts
    2111 months ago

    Listen… It’s fine, it’s fine… Just a little Mitch Glitch, nothing to see here.

  • Boddhisatva
    1411 months ago

    There are too many politicians in DC who are too old to handle the most basic parts of their job without the assistance of aids. People need to stop voting for these dinosaurs.

      1011 months ago

      Those pursed serpent lips on that waxy turtle noggin. I know that’s shallow but, oof, it’s time for this guy to go home and eat live rats or whatever he does in his free time.

    • root_beer
      311 months ago

      Thots and playas. I think he’d really appreciate that