Oh man, this is something I definitely hope to never see again. I’m so tired of the unbelievable TIFUs, AITAs, and/or OffMyChests with thousands of upvotes that had obviously-fake stories.
The worst one (in recent history) was that TIFU with the student who slept with their professor’s daughter.
Or pics being grounds for sob stories and creative writing prompts to get more upvotes on theur shitty pictures. That’s why I unsubbed from r/pics and subbed to /r/nocontextpics. Cool photos, no sob stories.
Creative writing presented as truth
Oh man, this is something I definitely hope to never see again. I’m so tired of the unbelievable TIFUs, AITAs, and/or OffMyChests with thousands of upvotes that had obviously-fake stories.
The worst one (in recent history) was that TIFU with the student who slept with their professor’s daughter.
Part 1: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/1379pge/tifu_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/
Part 2: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/137u9bk/tifupdate_by_hooking_up_with_professors_daughter/
Part 3: https://libreddit.de/r/tifu/comments/1391lmj/tifupdate_i_cuckolded_my_professor/
I hope this kind of bullshit never happens here.
/r/nosleep went from genuine scary but plausible stories to literal vampire fanfic porn. One of the worst pivots in reddit history.
I watched that happen in real time, such a bummer because there was some really cool and creepy writing on there at one point
Or pics being grounds for sob stories and creative writing prompts to get more upvotes on theur shitty pictures. That’s why I unsubbed from r/pics and subbed to /r/nocontextpics. Cool photos, no sob stories.
*without context.
I don’t mind that kind of thing provided it’s in the right place and/or labeled as satire.
I mean, that’s basically what The Onion is. Bullshit presented as real news, for laughs.
Pretty sure this is going to happen…
And subs that then enact rules that say “dont question the story,” prompting more of that crap