• glibg10b
    8 months ago

    There is just a general assumption that they’re smart enough not to waste their time with it and they have better things to do, like actual hobbies and friends/family to see.

    Did you actually ask other people what they think, or are you projecting? Because this doesn’t represent me at all

    • @bob_wiley@lemmy.world
      -348 months ago

      I’m projecting, but also, I said it was an assumption that’s generally held, not a hard fact that everyone does or should believe. We all know different people and that will color or views.

        • Tar_Alcaran
          168 months ago

          Am woman, currently at work, but will continue playing BG3 when I get back home. So this checks out.

        • @kofe@lemmy.ml
          48 months ago

          Not me. I’m catching up on all of the assassin’s creed before getting the new one

        • shuzuko
          48 months ago

          hastily closes steam window showing over 250 hours of BG3 played so far

          My husband is mad because I’m further in the story than him, lol

          • @SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
            48 months ago

            My wife and I are waiting until marriage until we have some free time this holiday to play it co-op. We’ve had similar problems in the past with games like Warcraft 3, but the amazing coop system in the Borderlands franchise has allowed us to log hundreds (if not thousands) of hours playing together - hoping that BG3 works similarly well enough.

            • shuzuko
              18 months ago

              The co-op is pretty good, though there are a few tiny frustrations - I can’t automatically use an npc party member’s skills in conversations (like guidance or bardic inspiration) if they’re under my husband’s control instead of mine, for instance. Our problem is that we both want to finish the storyline for ourselves before making storyline decisions in our co-op campaign and I have an entire day off that he doesn’t thanks to working 4 10s instead of 5 8s. So I have to wait for him to push ahead in his campaign before we can play ours, but I can just play mine at my leisure, lol.

        • @bob_wiley@lemmy.world
          -228 months ago

          I guess… maybe I just know a bunch of really motivated women. None of them spend time one sites like this, They do shit.

          • @kayrae_42@lemmy.world
            258 months ago

            The fact you think motivation, caring for you family, and having social media are mutually exclusive says a lot about you. If you think women on Reddit, lemmy, whatever social media are unmotivated because they don’t knit hats and care for children or whatever you define as womanhood you might need to reflect on what you think womanhood is outside of your personal experiences with the women in your social bubble.

            Women might use Reddit or lemmy or a number of social media sites to find a social group to connect with that they don’t have in their immediate area, just like men do. They are normal people who don’t have to adhere to whatever gender ideologies society wants to ascribe to them. Also spending time on sites like this can just be an hour in the morning or evening not an entire life so you might never see them do it.

            • shuzuko
              28 months ago

              Joke’s on him, I’m totally unmotivated and I knit(well, crochet) hats. In fact, I craft to avoid responsibilities, lol

          • CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿
            158 months ago

            Excuse me?! Being on Lemmy is “doing shit”. VERY important shit. I have shit to read and memes to laugh at. There is nothing more important in life.