• pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    You mean the very same factors we easily dealt with when we came here?

    Nah, that’s all on them at this point, and any suffering they go through is suffering they bring upon themselves.

    • Cosmic Cleric@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      You mean the very same factors we easily dealt with when we came here?

      Again, not everyone is the same. Where one person may find easy to do another person may find nearly impossible to do.

      Life is not digital, it’s analog.

      • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
        1 year ago

        Then that’s a personality issue they need to resolve, or else they’ll be abused and exploited throughout their lives. And that’s 100% their responsibility as adults regardless of their issues or what they’re going through.

        • Cosmic Cleric@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          And that’s 100% their responsibility as adults regardless of their issues or what they’re going through.

          Nobody said it wasn’t, just explaining why they may not make the move.

          You could have some compassion for them though, instead of quoting the “sucks to be you, the rules are the rules” mindset.

          Not everyone is as capable as everyone else, and we should all strive for the win-win scenarios, makes Humanity a nicer place to live in.

          • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
            1 year ago

            You could have some compassion for them though,

            One, motte and bailey.

            Two: Instead of demanding we change the way we feel about them, how about instead you either hold them accountable for their inaction, which is the only thing that will ultimately help them, or let them do what they’ll do and move on, respecting the choice they made as human beings?

            Everyone on the Internet has the capability to move to another website. They’re adults, not invalids, and I daresay you need to stop talking about compassion when you clearly have no clue of what respect is.

            • Cosmic Cleric@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Instead of demanding we change the way we feel about them

              Giving advice and demanding something is two very different things.

              If you want to be argumentative just for argumentative sake, just say so and I’ll leave the conversation.

              Everyone on the Internet has the capability to move to another website.

              Tech wise, sure. Socially/emotionally, some yes, some no. Which is the basic point I keep trying to make, and you keep ignoring.

              • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                1 year ago

                Well, yeah. You’re making a demand. You’ll quibble about the semantics just so you can deny it, but people like you do this every single time anyone does something they’re not supposed to be doing and I am tired of it.

                We cannot have a functional society if we do what you are telling us to. Adults are responsible for their actions and we, as a community, have a responsibility to establish standards and expectations upon our people and enforce them. In this case, with us shaking our heads at them, withholding sympathy and compassion for them, and reminding ourselves and each other that we’ll suffer just like they do if we do the same stupid shit they’re doing.

                It’s what reasonable adults do and you’re not going to convince us to stop being reasonable adults.

                If they’re not capable of making good decisions for themselves like you want us to believe, then they don’t belong on the Internet.

                But we don’t treat people like invalids because as adults we respect the intelligence of other people. You need to learn to do the same.

                • Cosmic Cleric@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  Well, yeah. You’re making a demand. You’ll quibble about the semantics just so you can deny it

                  No, I’m not. You would definitely know if I was making a demand, there would be no ambiguity involved.

                  And again, you’re avoiding the point I’m trying to make and just being argumentative.

                  I’m out of here, have a good day.

                  • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                    1 year ago

                    No, no, I’ve argued with enough of you over the years to know how you work. That’s a demand, alright, and a harmful one, not just for society as a whole but for stupid people who make mind-numbingly stupid decisions, and it’s not just with Reddit users. You do the same thing with drug addicts, domestic abusers, rapists – I even saw you do it for a child killer here on Lemmy – and you can’t see how fucked up what you’re doing is.

                    We live in a nation of laws, expectations and responsibilities and that means no matter what your excuse is, there are still things you are not supposed to be doing regardless, and when you do them you need to be held accountable for that.

                    We can’t have a functional community if we don’t.

                    It means even for self-destructive shit like staying on corporate platforms, you say something. You don’t have to be aggressive or demanding about it; a simple “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” “You sure? You can come on Lemmy/Kbin/wherever if you change your mind. Be careful” is enough.

                    You just don’t like the idea that normal people hold a share of responsibility for our current situation and that’s too bad, it’s the truth. We can’t all be perfect, but responsibility doesn’t ask for people to be perfect, its demands are far more basic than that, and you don’t want people to even be held to that.

                    And that’s dangerous, and bad for society.