The hardware is cool but iPad OS makes it very useless
That greatly depends on what use you give it. I literally never cared for tablets but lately tried my SO’s and found out they make great luxurious manga readers. Would still not buy one but wouldn’t reject a free iPad.
Is there anything actually competing in the android space ?
Chromebooks are the default for many schools
No, I’d just use a laptop
What are they competing in?
Circle jerking
ThinkPad: has a thinklight
ipad: doesn’t have a thinklightthinkpad wins
Spit your fax brother!
That depends. Does the keyboard on the thinkpad work?
it does
Laptops had so much class back then. You know which one that is?
Thats the 701c, codenamed butterfly.
the butterfly keyboard not the garbage apple made
That would be the thread I was replying in, yes.
And speaker. Vimers can’t use a machine without a speaker.
If I wanted my computer to make a sound, I’d wet my finger and rub it on the screen.
I’ve used Vim for a decade and I would be offended if it made any noise.
An old vim-related anecdote:
Vim has 2 modes: first to spoil the text and second to beep.
visual bell?
Depends on what kind of generation of MacBook that is. Intel-series? I’m leaning ThinkPad. M-series? It’s gonna have to be the MacBook.
that’s an iPad
EDIT: it’s M4
A tablet versus laptop? I don’t get it. Apples to oranges.
No, Apples to Lenovos.
Depending on the Thinkpad model it could be Apples to IBMs
I’m making fun of the fact that no matter how powerful the processor they put in (probably faster than most laptops to this date) they cannot do simple things the Thinkpad can.
Not true at all. The iPad excels at simple things and will do them much better than an ancient Thinkpad. The iPad cannot do specialized or complex things.
Well, it’s obviously not going to be the iPad that wins in that case
The ipad would win if it had a usable OS.
Me, using a cheap old laptop that does exactly what I need instead of rebuying overpriced Apple products every time a new one comes out.
Who actually rebuys overpriced Apple products every time a new one comes out? Clout chasers maybe, but not normal Apple users.
Up until very recently, only Apple had over 5 years of software support on their phones. With others you’d be lucky to get 3 on flagships and yet Apple had 6-7 years on some models. You could use your phone for 3 years, pass it on to a family member and they’d get to use it for another few years, while still getting updates. I’d argue that if you had a Samsung, you would’ve needed to update more often.
On the computer side they unfortunately do force regular users to upgrade after 6-7 years, which for that market is significantly less than anything running Linux. Of course if you know how to google it, you can get new OS updates for more like 10 if not 15 years. Still scummy. But nobody replaces them annually. Companies replace laptops at 3-4 years usually.
that will outlast the apple product 100% guaranteed
slow? with linux?
I mean, it’s an IBM ThinkPad, it is slow. Linux just makes it usable.
I lost my sense of perceiving slowiness after installing linux
by specs alone
EDIT: the meme had some hyperbole involved to ridicule the ipad