• @GRENADE_MAGNET@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    In case anyone doesn’t understand how all this works:

    Republicans make outlandish, grandiose, patently untrue, vitriolic and inflammatory statements.

    This is picked up by right wing “news” outlets like FOX, OAN, Newsmax, etc. and “reported” on and repeated. To the people who watch these sources they believe its legitimate, real and true.

    These people ONLY get their information from these sources. They are massive echo chambers. There is no fact checking, no competeting opinion and no misinformation correction. It is in fact the purpose.

    This is meant to stir anger, resentment and many other immoral narratives and it works.

    Post birth abortions are OF COURSE not a thing but that truth will be lost on the people that consume and believe this bullshit.

    • Neato
      1 year ago

      That is very true and explains a lot.

      I do wonder what the ring-wing viewers think a post-birth abortion is. Because unless I’m missing some context that redefines “post-birth” that’s just regular murder. And I’m still struggling to wrap my head around the warped-ass mindset you’d need to think your political opponents are OK with just yeeting infants straight to the morgue.

      • Skray
        371 year ago

        Post-birth abortion is letting them grow up to experience a school shooting.

      • @calabast@lemm.ee
        221 year ago

        No, you got it right. The right is trying to say that democrats are all baby murderers, and they’re using the “post-birth abortion” phrase to act like “Look, this is what they call it, to pretend to themselves it’s not actually murder. But we right-thinking republicans all know it’s really murder” and the viewers goes “Wow, those baby-murdering democrats can even convince themselves they’re not committing murder!” instead what they should REALLY be thinking which is “wait, are they really all murdering babies? Like really?”

        • @btaf45@lemmy.world
          201 year ago

          Conservatives are people who love to be lied to. They think dishonesty is virtue and honesty is a vice. That’s why we have qtards, pizzatards, birthertards, sandyhooktards, startthestealtards etc.

          • Queen HawlSera
            11 year ago

            Worse, they don’t believe in virtue and vice. They believe that “Who said it” is more important than what was said, Trump and Obama could say the same exact factual thing, but they’d only agree with Trump.

        • @spongebue@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          My cousin thinks that abortion at any stage is literally murdering babies (used that phrase before) so there’s that.

          And a college friend of mine said that to her, the moment a sperm and egg come together you have something indistinguishable from a baby with a “soul” (word I had used to bring up the topic) and everything. Clearing up the obvious BS is one thing, but we also need to hold that line of thinking to account

          • @calabast@lemm.ee
            -1111 months ago

            Yeah, that level of combining science and religion is nuts to me. Like, at what point does the indescribable, intangible soul attach to the cell. Is it when the sperm penetrates the egg? Or is it when the first phase of mitosis occurs? Or what? And are there a million souls swimming along, each one following a sperm, waiting for their chance to latch on to a fertilized egg? Or maybe one soul per egg? Or maybe God knows when an egg will be fertilized, and he only dispatches one soul when it happens, but in that case he should know when a fertilized egg isn’t going to be born, and not put a soul in that fetus, right? When they try to get really specific about the rules of their make believe club, it starts sounding very silly. But then you get hit with the “we aren’t supposed to know his plan/the Lord works in mysterious ways” and that means you’re not allowed to think about it with the brain God gave you any more.

      • @btaf45@lemmy.world
        111 year ago

        I do wonder what the ring-wing viewers think a post-birth abortion is.

        Obviously, that term is an impossible thing. If they used the real term, “infanticide”, everybody would recognize the lie immediately.

      • @Duranie@lemmy.film
        71 year ago

        I work in hospice, and unfortunately many elderly households and nursing homes have people parked in front of Fox “News.”

        Last year there was a patient in a nursing home I visited who was crying when I got there. She was extremely distressed, watching FN. She was telling me about all the post birth abortions that democrats were having, “just to kill all those innocent babies.” I told her that wasn’t a thing. She proceeded to tell me that she watched an interview with a Dr on Fox who stated that he used to do them, but it weighed too heavily on him so he stopped. She said that after delivering the full term baby, he would hold and comfort the baby while discussing options with the parents on how to “abort” it.

        Whatever the interview actually was, I can not say. But if a viewer got that message from something they aired then Fox needed to be clearer in their messages. In any case, they’re toying with the mental health and wellbeing of the vulnerable elderly for their own benefit, which (among many other reasons) makes them evil.

        • @MaxHardwood@lemmy.ca
          61 year ago

          I’m not sure if it’s still allowed but when a baby was delivered that requires massive medical intervention to keep them alive, the parents had the option to not medically intervene and go through the anguish of attempting to save a non-viable baby. Like a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate).

          So it’s not an abortion because the baby was delivered, and it’s not murder because nobody is actively killing it. It’s a tough call any parent would have to make at that moment. Some malformations are fatal and not known until post delivery, or delivery trauma itself. It sucks.

      • @zeppo@lemmy.world
        71 year ago

        They whole heartedly believe that abortion is baby-killing and people who support the option are therefore enthusiastic about “killing babies”, plus all sorts of bizarre things like doctors sell the parts, fetuses are burned in incinerators to generate electricity, democrats worship Satan and so on… so, it’s very easy to get someone who thinks things like that to believe in wetf “post birth abortion” would be.

      • Setarkus.MX
        41 year ago

        New hospital floor layout when?

        Upper floor:
        Room equipped to handle birthing

        Middle floor:
        Nursery station where newborns are kept for a calm and sterile environment to ensure they stay healthy

        Lower floor:
        Giant freezer, similar layout as the middle floor, just less necessary to keep it sterile or anything. Has the advantage that you can stack containers and save space

        /s, though I wonder how many people would believe it if they were told this was planned…

      • TechyDad
        31 year ago

        From my understanding, they think a post-birth abortion happens when an abortion isn’t successful and a live baby is born. Then the “liberal woke doctor” kills the baby and calls it a post-birth abortion.

        Obviously, this never happens. Of course, the point isn’t to highlight something that actually happens, but to demonize the left regardless of any facts or truth. They’ll claim that the left is so abhorrent that we kill newborn babies. They don’t care they we aren’t actually killing newborn babies. The mere accusation is enough for them.

    • @btaf45@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      There is no fact checking, no competetimg opinion and no misinformation correction. It is in fact the purpose.

      This is meant to stir anger, resentment and many other immoral narratives and it works.

      Many people are saying that Ron DeSantos practices infanticide. Why does he murder babies? I am only asking questions.

    • @Naia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      1 year ago

      Years ago I was in the phone to my mom and she brought up that some blue states were allowing abortion up to birth. That didn’t sound right so I looked up the one for New York and read it.

      Was the most plainly worded bill I’d ever seen. Basically laying out life of the mother or nonviable clauses in the 3rd trimester.

      I read it to my mom and she still didn’t believe me. Like, it was the primary source and she still took fox “news” over it.

      There was also a time when I was like 13 or something where she talked about after birth abortion by sucking the babies brain through the soft spot or something horrible like that. Even then, non political and a fucking child I could tell it was bullshit.

      • @TheRealLinga@sh.itjust.works
        81 year ago

        The really sad thing is all the people I know who are sucked into this brainwashing are, for the most part, kind and good people. You would never know they are brainwashed until one of these topics comes up and bam crazy words spewing from their mouth!

        When this happens I feel genuinely bad for them. I also know trying to flat-out convince them is futile, so I’ve taken to secretly planting seeds of doubt which I hope will one grow grow to fruition. I’m proud to say it’s worked with one of them so far!

        Undoing brainwashing tactics is really, really hard… and I just think it’s absolutely despicable that these propagandists prey upon people.

    • @Haibane@lemm.ee
      81 year ago

      They need to keep the one issue voters outraged now that Roe v Wade can’t be used as the carrot (or the stick) anymore. They must be worried these types won’t be sufficiently enthusiastic about voting in the next election now that their fondest wish has been granted.

    • @shalafi@lemmy.world
      71 year ago

      I’m stunned at the ignorance on the left regarding this sort of thing.

      “Ahh! It’s not TRUE! They’re LYING!” All mad and shit, up in arms.

      Yeah. I know. Truth doesn’t matter, only that these things are said out loud. There’s no more or less to it.

      Saw a Tucker Carlson segment where a Texas police chief made a wild claim. Tucker didn’t blink. Few minutes later, “I want to talk about the claim you made earlier.”

      Sheriff mumble fucks around, “Well, I was just TOLD it was true.”

      Tucker looks concerned for 2 seconds, moves on.

      The audience ONLY heard the claim, that’s it. Carlson did his journalistic duty by briefly questioning it, nobody can point a finger at him. We’re done here, propaganda success.

      • TechyDad
        31 year ago

        And Tucker himself would make wild accusations. He tried to dodge any defamation laws by “just asking questions.” So he wouldn’t say outright “Joe Biden breaks into people’s homes and kills their children,” but he would say: “Now this home was broken into when Joe Biden was in town. Did Biden break into this home? Did he sneak upstairs without anyone realizing he was in? Did he smother the family as they slept? I’m just asking questions here!”

        It was a transparent but effective way of getting his audience to not only believe something, but to think that THEY put the pieces together themselves. All while Tucker could claim “well, I never actually said that was what happened. I just asked some questions.”

    • @yata@sh.itjust.works
      61 year ago

      It was the same when the “death panels” term circulated back in the days of the discussion of Obamacare and socialised healthcare. Right wing propaganda is so extremely effective because they don’t need to explain how complex things really are, they can just make up lies and their followers will believe them.

      It is difficult for the sane and factual part of the human population to compete with that, especially when stooping to their level is not really an option.

    • @OwenEverbinde@reddthat.com
      1 year ago

      To the people who watch these sources they believe its legitimate, real and true.

      One year after leaving California, my mother was explaining to me – based on some selfie video made by two Christians sitting in their car, claiming they had visited San Francisco – that California was now a hotbed for crime and violent death.

      It’s not like they suddenly changed their story. For decades now, conservative vloggers and bloggers and “news” networks have been screaming about how California was a post-apocalyptic wasteland and millions of refugees were fleeing the state. She just… tuned it out while she was living in the proverbial horse’s mouth, and then started trusting them the second the first-hand evidence was (I am not exaggerating here. She is now in the next state over.) two hours in her rear-view mirror.

    • Queen HawlSera
      31 year ago

      And the less toxic media has to try to be “fair” by pretending the actual truth is just as valid as… bullshit.

    • @Jack_of_all_derps@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      The other piece that can come after this is the eventual gaslighting where they deny they said it. I can say that, personally, there have been times where I have begun to doubt my perspective because of the strength of their denial and my openness to examine why I think what I do (not all the time if I’m being fair). The amount of effort that goes into learning that it is a tactic with the desired outcome to be bend people to their will can be a hard learned skill.

  • @kn33@lemmy.world
    731 year ago

    “Post-birth abortion” is an oxymoron. “Abortion” refers to aborting the pregnancy. Once birth takes place, there is no longer a pregnancy to abort, and an abortion is no longer possible.

    • nakal
      51 year ago

      So what is meant by the republican “post-birth abortion”?

      • @BURN@lemmy.world
        111 year ago

        Absolutely nothing. They’re just spreading outrage to their base, and “post-birth abortion” sounds ‘Good’ to their hateful base.

        • Capt. Wolf
          31 year ago

          The classic move of making their constituents angry, afraid, and then militant…

      • Kalkaline
        61 year ago

        They probably are calling a withdraw of care an abortion to get their base riled up. I read a different article with a clarifying statement from the campaign but it wasn’t clear exactly what they were talking about, but that’s what I assumed they were talking about.

      • @kn33@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        So, I’m going to preface this by saying that when they say that, they are being downright dishonest, and you shouldn’t take what they’re saying as being genuine.

        That being said, for just so you know what they’re up against, this is what they say happens when pressed on it.

        They say that there are scenarios where an abortion procedure is performed, and it doesn’t go entirely to plan, and the former fetus ends up outside the mother and alive. They then go on to say that in these scenarios, it is (depending on the version they’re giving at the time and who they’re talking to) either killed or left to die.

        A few problems with that:

        • The initial scenario is very rare
        • In such initial scenarios, medical care is provided (although rarely, if ever, successful)
        • Doing so would be murder, which is already illegal
        • They’ve already run this nonsense through the ringer once and actually passed a law re-iterating it’s illegal
  • AttackBunny
    641 year ago

    Um, maybe I’m an idiot, but isn’t that called murder, or at least infanticide?

      • Poggervania
        71 year ago

        “That man’s mother was in her 62nd trimester, Your Honor. That’s why it was a post-birth abortion.”

    • @darth_helmet@sh.itjust.works
      21 year ago

      Muddling the distinction is exactly what this bullshit is trying to achieve. Infanticide is just a subset of murder, and it is not the same as any kind of abortion in any way. Don’t let the goalposts move.

  • @xthedeerlordx@lemmy.world
    281 year ago

    This is a “pants on fire” claim. Not sure how you could argue otherwise. I hate politifact now, always softening the blow on these types of claims.

    • Queen HawlSera
      11 year ago

      Because we need to try to pretend that “Both sides are just as bad”, even when it’s blatantly untrue

    • EnderWi99in
      151 year ago

      It’s unfortunately a strategy. Say a lot of lies and just gaslight the media into both giving you attention and having to correct the record. Meanwhile their base already heard them say it and isn’t listening to any rebuttal.

      • @Efwis@lemmy.zip
        11 year ago

        True. While I was coming home from the store I came up a new motto for the GOP.

        Rob from the poor and give to the rich

        • Terrasque
          1 year ago

          Steal from the poor and give to the greedy

          I take a wee percentage, but I’m not needy

          What a guy, monsieur GOP

  • @aloeha@lemmy.world
    141 year ago

    Every single person who is fully capable of rational thought knows that this is actually murder. So is a full or near term abortion. Only idiotic conservatives think that stopping a fetus that would be nonviable on its own from continuing to grow is murder.

    • TechyDad
      181 year ago

      As I remember it, the claim (which is completely untrue) is that sometimes the abortion goes wrong and results in a live birth. At that time, the “liberal woke doctor” will kill the newborn and call it a “post-birth abortion.”

      Again, this never happens. It’s a completely made up right wing talking point. It’s just what they claim is happening in order to justify their draconian anti-abortion/anti-women laws do they can claim to be “protecting life.”

  • arthurpizza
    121 year ago

    An abortion is ending a pregnancy. After a baby is born the pregnancy is over. Post birth abortion!

    I figured it out!

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      1 year ago

      Maybe we’re thinking of the wrong usage of “post.” Maybe it’s not “post-birth” as in after the birth, perhaps it’s birth-by-mail.

      Desantes is saying that some states allow you to deliver your baby by US Postal Service (probably overnight ground or first-class package), and on top of that you can cancel your delivery en-route!