• @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    -3911 months ago

    Please avoid using “reee” as that is incredibly ableist and is right up there with calling something “retarded”. Do better

    Aside from that: A lot of households and waiting rooms still play fox news 24/7. So if some magat’s 18 year old kid sees this and realizes why they REALLY need to not tell their parents who they voted for, it is a win. Same with people in waiting rooms who might be so desensitized as to think “turd and a douche sandwich”.

    Also? Pissing off fascists is always funny.

      • @Glide@lemmy.ca
        11 months ago

        That’s because the origin isn’t “autistic screeching”. It’s the screaming frog. The connection to “autistic screeching” was a later misassociation popularized on Reddit.


        People should be encouraging each other to be better people, but jumping down a randoms throat in self-righteous vigor is fucked up.

          • @Glide@lemmy.ca
            211 months ago

            I wasn’t talking about you with my comment about jumping down each others throat.

            A lot of people have no clue that the origin is “autistic screeching.”

            This is just objectively wrong, and thus it’s not likely that this is the reason it means anything.

            My only point was that interpretations vary, so getting bent out of shape and acting like your interpretation is the only interpretation is a shittt thing to do.

      • @BassTurd@lemmy.world
        2011 months ago

        I’ve always read ‘reeee’ like a pig squeel, which I think fits and doesn’t put down any demographic, except pigs, and they don’t know any better which is why it works.

        • EnderWi99in
          611 months ago

          Yeah that puzzle slut is just wrong. It’s making fun of people getting overly angry about something and isn’t punching down at any group whatsoever.

      • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        You can do harm even if unintentional.

        The response to “you are spewing slurs and being a jerk” is not “How dare you?!? How am I supposed to know everything?” . It is “oh shit, sorry”

        And if the difference between someone spewing slurs and acting like an asshole is me coddling them and rubbing their tum tum while asking for them to pwease not use a slur? They are going to be an asshole anyway and are just looking for an excuse to continue being one.

        • @toasteecup@lemmy.world
          1611 months ago

          So your default assumption is they are being assholes therefore you are justified in also being an asshole?

          Have you heard of the road to hell? It’s paved with good intentions like your own.

          • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
            -1211 months ago

            If I end up in the hell full of people who flip off bigots and don’t kindly ask people to stop directing hate speech at people I care about?

            That sounds awesome:? Being surrounded by a bunch of folk who know how to party, care about not hurting others, and don’t mind speaking up?

            • @Glide@lemmy.ca
              11 months ago

              That sounds fantastic, until you realize you’re all there because of your shared delusion that you individually know better and understand more than everyone around you. Then you turn on each other, and then hell is functioning as intended.

              • @toasteecup@lemmy.world
                211 months ago

                Tbh that’s not even the issue I have.

                Ignoring the whole “being offended for people who likely don’t appreciate someone being offended on their behalf” part, how does one expect to gain acceptance of their ideas by being an absolute dickhead to them?

                Even if you have the greatest idea of all time, telling someone to implement it and then calling them a piece of shit leaves people very disinclined to implement anything they’ve said. They’ll be stuck on ‘man that person was a real asshole. Fuck them and whatever bullshit they were talking about’

                As for the part we’ve ignored, I honestly thought we were done with that whole thing? That we moved on to actually trying to help people rather than virtual signal about helping? FFS

            • @toasteecup@lemmy.world
              211 months ago

              Let me ask you, have you actually met anyone differently abled who explicitly asked you “I wish you’d be offended on my behalf to random people?”

              I’m kinda doubting you have mostly because the last couple of times I’ve seen virtual signalling like this, the groups involved found it demeaning, insulting and harmful. https://www.forbes.com/sites/susanharmeling/2023/01/16/virtue-signaling-on-race-relations-only-hurts-the-cause/

              If you actually want to help people, then have you considered donating to charities for those causes? If you’re low on funds, that’s fine, you can volunteer time to help out. The charity runners would really appreciate it and it would go so much farther than this faux moral outrage tactic.

                • @toasteecup@lemmy.world
                  111 months ago

                  It means alot more to me when a person who would actually get offended by something asks that people not say said offensive thing (in a personal setting, work is work) than a person who would not get offended.

                  For instance, I’m a Jew and I ask people not to call me white because I’m Jewish, not white. Seems reasonable a Jew asking people not do to a thing that’s offensive to Jews.

                  But if I were white and asked people “hey don’t call Jews white” well who the fuck am I to be asking that? I’m not a Jew (impacted person) nor have I identified myself to have any authority in the matter. I’m just a dude doing a thing.

                  To add to that we have the second problem. How the person went about it. They were an asshole in their request. You don’t win over hearts and minds by being a dick, no matter how much of a dick those hearts and minds were.

                  Said person decided to double down on being a dick leaving me entirely uninterested in enacting any changes they’ve requested. So from my perspective

                  • the person is virtual signalling which is shown in the article I linked, has historically proven to not have a positive impact.
                  • the person is being an asshole

                  Why should I care about their opinion?

                  Yours on the other hand, was in a respectful of upset manner and is coming from an impacted individual. You carry weight and you’ve been respectful in doing so.

                  I’m hopeful I’ve shown you the same respect in my response.

        • @KazuyaDarklight@lemmy.world
          911 months ago

          It’s the “…being a jerk” part that is, initially, unnecessary. If they aren’t informed, there is no intent. If they don’t respond well to the initial raw/basic info, that’s a different conversation.

        • El Barto
          11 months ago

          And the difference between someone spewing slurs (etc)

          Well said, user Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever

          • Bleeping Lobster
            711 months ago

            The incredible irony of calling me out for using a ‘slur’ while every comment they make has the word ‘slut’ above it. Beautiful, thanks for pointing it out.

            • El Barto
              11 months ago

              Is this your alt-account?

              Edit: I think you meant to write “calling them out” instead of “calling me out.”

              Edit 2: Understood.

              • Bleeping Lobster
                311 months ago

                You’ve confused me. I think you’re confused also, I was the one who made the initial comment that they called out. It’s Bleeping Lobster all the way down. I don’t have an ‘alt account’ (though I have registered on Sopuli.xyz for those brief moments when .world is down)

                • El Barto
                  311 months ago

                  I got it now. Sorry. Brainfart. Exactly what you said. “You’re using slurs! How dare you!!” - Sincerely, Puzzle_Sluts.

        • @confusedbytheBasics@lemmy.world
          511 months ago

          Except you are incorrect and trying to marginalize people who nobody else was trying to marginalize. :(

          You acting like an authority is the issue here.

          • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Telling someone they are using a slur and they should do better is just straight up “fact”. Making mistakes is life. Learning from those mistakes and doing better is how you at least attempt to be a good person.

            Again, if your issue that has led you to attempt to tone police me is that I told someone to do better: If they genuinely meant no offense (and the OP has made it clear they give zero shits about offending anyone…) then they say “oh shit, sorry”. Simple as that.

            And if the only way to get someone to not use slurs and ableist language is to give them a hug and tell them they are a good person? Then clearly they are okay hurting others because somebody didn’t show them the proper deference. And… fuck 'em. They are bigots and bigots deserve no respect.

            And it isn’t about “undoing” what people say (although, this is a message board and there is an edit button…). It is about saying “Shit, sorry” and resolving to do better.

            For example: Apologies to all the Romani folk out there (and I think it is also used to refer to irish Travellers sometime?), but I and most kids would use the phrase “jipped” which is based on “gyped” which is short for “gypsies” which is a slur for those groups. Funny enough, a lot of us learned that was not cool from an episode of House MD. And we didn’t need to be told “You are good people and we love you but…” any more than we needed to be told that House is a great guy who is not at all racist even though he is being intentionally inflammatory so that Hot Doctor can pull a tick out a vagina or whatever was going on in that episode. It was “… wait, that is a slur? Oh shit. I better not use that anymore”

              • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                Yes. it is a challenge. People should do better. And you know what else is “antagonistic”? Using ableist language to insult large demographics for no apparent reason.

                I am not “playing a game” at all. You just seem hellbent on tone policing because apparently the most important thing about confronting someone using ableist language is to make sure THEY feel good.

                You fuck up? If it is minor, you take the slap on the wrist and learn from it. Optimally you apologize. That is not the end of the world.

                But, much like “he changed his mind. HE IS A FLIP FLOPPER!!!” became the worst sin imaginable, so too has acknowledging fault of any form.

                And just because someone is going to think they are clever: I do not acknowledge fault in telling people acting like bigots to do better. Because I want them to do better. And if I am rude to a bigot in the process? Good. Fuck 'em. I intend to make them feel like shit. If I succeed? Even better.

                And if they were just acting like a bigot? Then they can learn to do better and this is a heads up that they should check themselves (… before they wreck themselves).

    • @ScrollerBall@lemmy.world
      1011 months ago

      Do better? You need to know your memes better.


      REEEEEEE" is an onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character and used by those who frequent the /r9k/ board on 4chan. The expression is often associated with the Autistic Screeching meme, however it is intended to represent the unique croak produced by several species of frogs when agitated.

      • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
        -1011 months ago

        Just like people are really calling each other “a bundle of sticks” and Pepe The Frog was not coopted by fascists to the point that the creator started a campaign to try to recover their drawing.

        • EnderWi99in
          911 months ago

          You don’t personally get to change the definition for something in your own head and then get mad at everyone else for not going along with your interpretation. That’s not how reality works and all you’re doing in the process is just pissing people off.

    • Bipta
      1011 months ago

      While I immediately dismiss anyone saying “ree” this is ridiculous:

      Please avoid using “reee” as that is incredibly ableist and is right up there with calling something “retarded”.

    • Bleeping Lobster
      911 months ago

      I’m autistic, quite partial to an occasional reeeee myself, so I think I’ll keep using it, but I respect that you find it uncomfortable. FWIW I don’t use retarded as an insult these days.

      • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
        -2411 months ago

        And I am sure every single person who uses the n-word on the internet is actually black.

        Do whatever you want. But assume people are going to think you are an asshole because they don’t have a note saying you have the “right” to use this slur.

        • Bleeping Lobster
          1911 months ago

          I genuinely don’t give a shit what you think of me, I have a clinical diagnosis of autism L1 and I’ll speak how I choose. You’re literally telling off someone with autism for mocking autism, to go with your analogy, I bet you actually do go around telling black people not to use the n-word.

          To quote you: do better. Find a more constructive use for your time.

          • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            And I am a navy seal who is also a jet pilot with twenty five confirmed kills in a jet and I was on the mission to capture Secret Bin Laden.

            It doesn’t matter what you are offline. Online? You are a faceless individual. You could be a third each black, mexican, and jewish (just to cover all the fun slurs) and you would be indistinguishable from a 40 year old white guy wearing a pillowcase on his head who does not have the jew/mexican/black card.

            So yeah. I probably have told a few black people to not use the n-word when, in a discussion about Michael B Jordan, a bunch of people decided he needed to be called the “hard r” n-word. I have no idea if 420_JustBlazeIt_6969 is a Canadian albino with african ancestry.

            But when I see a black person on the street call someone or something the n-word? I think the use is emblematic of societal issues but it is “their word” and they can do whatever the hell they want. And everyone pretty quickly realizes they “have privileges” from a quick glance… which is a huge issue for lighter skin folk but that is a different problem.

            Fun story. A good friend of mine since high school is a trans woman who is into other women (I think she prefers a title other than “lesbian” but I can’t for the life of me remember). She has a tendency to use the “bundle of sticks” slur to refer to things. i.e. “That jacket is really f-y” and so forth. She has dealt with more than enough prejudice in her life that she can use it however the hell she wants and she definitely is amused by how uncomfortable it makes a lot of us. But one time, on a subway, she straight up got approached by what felt like The Gay Mafia tearing into her and calling her a bigot. She looked mortified and the rest of us were trying to not burst into laughter. After those two dudes calmed down she explained that she is gay and it was one of those “oh, shit. sorry for overreacting. But probably try to avoid that”. Still fun to remind her of that every couple of weeks.

            • Bleeping Lobster
              1311 months ago

              Conflating someone’s genuine medical diagnosis with claiming you’re a navy seal / false honour is disgusting, you steamrollered in here to have a pop at someone and have just revealed that you yourself are a shithead. You’re so focussed on being right, you’ve forgotten the human behind these ‘faceless individuals’.

              Getting an official diagnosis was a lengthy, difficult process in my country. You claim to care about people with autism yet you mock me for speaking about having it. You’re not the kind person you think you are.

              • EnderWi99in
                1411 months ago

                Yeah this is the worst kind of example of behavior. A person who is themselves extremely offensive towards others but sees themselves as a beacon of moral superiority. It’s actually borderline dangerous and I feel like more and more people are bevaving like this.

              • @Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
                -1211 months ago

                Then I strongly encourage you to find a way to embed your official diagnosis into every single post you make in any form of social media for the rest of your life.

                Or… probably don’t since that would be doxxing yourself.

                • @gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  811 months ago

                  Or you can just not be an asshole that makes assumptions

                  You’re clearly considered in the wrong here by the majority, take the L and learn something

        • Hank
          911 months ago

          Do yourself a favor and go outside.

        • EnderWi99in
          11 months ago

          Where did you draw the connection that “reee” has anything to do with autism? Like most things in reality outside of TikTok, It has absolutely nothing to do with autism. Nobody has to change their behavior simply because someone misinterprets something. If it is genuinely punching down, then sure I get it, but this isn’t an example of that. It’s just a screeching angry frog sound meant to depict people overreacting about anything.

        • @gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          811 months ago

          Anyone who thinks you’re an asshole for saying “reeeeeee” is themselves an asshole, so fuck em

          It’s not a slur you sensitive dipshit