I’ve been playing the Monster Hunter series since 2004 and have logged well over 10k hours.
This is unironically one of my favorite memes because it fits me SO WELL:
On Minecraft I have ~150 days playtime on PC, after switching to Prismlauncher (after some development drama) I have another ~22 days playtime. Along with my 1300 hours on switch it’s a total of 234.5 DAYS looking at pixelated blocks in a children’s game.that’s not even including my time in PE edition from when I was little or the multiple years I spent in Lunar client which doesn’t track playtime. In total it’s probably WELL over a whole year of JUST Minecraft.
I ALSO have 9154 hours in other steam games and 1500 MORE in animal crossing. In total this is 16,000 hours, 670 days or
I do also have minor autism.
edit: also 2-300 hours in oldschool RuneScape lol
The factory must expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory…
The factory must grow
Good choice !
So I’m not autistic and these aren’t necessarily bad games, but for my partner this is definitely Dragon Age. She has put an insane number of hours into the first 3 games. She knew The Veilguard was going to be bad. She KNEW, she told me multiple times even the second before she told me she bought the game. She got 3/4 of the way through before having a crying, screaming meltdown over how bad it was.
Modded minecraft isnt the worst ever
I started making games to make sure its not
One day I’ll get around to playing Nomifactory CE. I’ve somehow played the base one twice over the past five years.
I’ve been so alienated from friends playing the most popular game on the planet in multiplayer because I can’t play Vanilla for shit. Not since 1.2.5 probably.
I’ll play no Minecraft for two years and then immediately nolife a modpack for two months.
Good shit. The best value game I have ever bought, no question about it.
ITT: people listing good games they played a bunch.
The answer is clearly world of warcraft.
Having grown up on the MUDs and MMOs that release before WoW I think I was thankfully inoculated against its more gamified, addictive formula.
I just spent 20 hours on the demo for the new game roadcraft. I’m just pushing dirt around in a tractor like I’m playing with Tonka trucks back when I was 5. I haven’t really done anything interesting, just leveled dirt. Anyway, ill probably put in another 6 hours today after work.
Factorio. Do i need to say more?
Why aren’t you tending to your factory?
My factory is paused. I found Derail Valley Simulator, and have been absolutely loving driving trains
It’s not a bad game but Rimworld is destroying my life right now.
unrelated but i just noticed that the playtime was 1234, that’s neat
Now you need to make it 1,234.5 hours and stop.
I wasn’t sure if you could read the image clearly. Nerd out!
I should get tested or something.
That’s more hours per week than I have to work.
But you can always do more. I have a childhood friend who, when some leagues were released, averaged about 14 hours per day for Path of Exile for two weeks straight. Like 180 hours playtime in two weeks.
Another friend of mine should be at about 8000 hours of Rocket League by now on his main account only. That’s over the game’s full lifespan though.
Definitely mine too. It doesn’t even run faster than 1x… which is sucky slow but my own fault for having too many livestock animals to support my ~60 pawns… (peaceful gets very out of control if you let it) but now I have an outpost mod and as soon as all my kids are adults, most of them are gone.
I had to ban myself from that game as I’d fall off the face of the earth for weeks at a time
EVE Online?
Growing up playing osu! forever scarred my taste in music. Now I have a $300 SDVX controller at home and I need help
Also honorable mention for the 500+ hrs I have in Skyrim (with additional difficulty mods), Slay the Spire, Binding of Issac, …
I have the most hours in Warframe, but Factorio is on a different level. If you’re anywhere on the spectrum, it is pure crack cocaine. The only reason I haven’t bought the DLC is because I know it’ll consume a month of my free time.
By the way, Warframe 1999’s soundtrack fucking slaps.
Space Age is totally worth it though
Can confirm. It’s the only game I play at this point.
Finally got to Fulgora. I want that mech suit.
I’m currently avoiding fixing Gleba, so I’m making an Epic Mech Suit.
A month? That is not enough :(
Ignore the expansion and just free base Space Exploration
Dota 2. Almost 10k hours. I got matched against s4 and had to face him in the mid lane. I got wrecked and I uninstalled the game, that was a few years ago now. I figured if I just matched against one of the best players in the world then I actually completed dota and it’s time to stop.
Outer Worlds. Not exactly a bad game but fell just a tad short of being F:NV spiritual successor.
Is this a personal spiritual successor, or is this there some thread connecting these two games that I’m missing?
They do both rule.
Both made by Obsidian
It’s an amazing game. The sprat rescue…
Garry’s Mod back when spacebuild still existed. Fun stuff especially all the Stargate add-ons.